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Dang Sinus Infection

Through my face
flow streams of yellow
mucus, encircling 
in an endless motion
of snot and slop
trapped in the concaves

of my skull, concaves
of my fragile face,
causing me to slop
macaroni doused in yellow
sauce on my motion-
less body.  Encircling

my head, encircling
pressure concaves
around in a steady motion.
Placing tissue to my face,
I blow out yellow
chunks of gooey slop.

I feel much like slop.
A buzzy fly is encircling
the room, a radiating yellow
beam of sunlight concaves
around the face
of the room, a motion

causing me motion
sickness.  I clumsily slop
chocolate milk on my face,
painful pressure encircling
nearby, the concaves
nearby filled with yellow

glop.  The yellow 
pills, antibiotic relief, motion
for me as water concaves
down me, pills colored slop
now swallowed, encircling
my esophagus as I face

the slop on my desk, yellow
relief encircling me in joyous motion,
relieving my face and its concaves.

(About this poem:  This was my second sestina... and they're hard to write!  Note how there are only six end words used throughout the entire poem.  Anyone who can figure out the sestina structure (without looking at my tutorial) gets a lollipop!  Or something like that...)