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Think Before You Speak
I think I'm going to editorialize for a little bit about something that bugs me occasionally.  It's when people bash the community in which they live (in my experience, I'm speaking of Ottumwa).  All the time I hear people say things like "The drivers here are the worst drivers anywhere," "The people in this town are the dumbest people in the world," and "This town is the most boring town in the world."  Now, if those truly are your opinions, then fine... express them.  But what do you have to compare your community to?  Unless you recently moved from somewhere else, you really can't compare your community to another place.  Visiting somewhere and living somewhere are two completely different things.  It's natural that we may prefer places other than our home, because we may have fun when we go there.  But, it's the fact that we're not there often that makes it fun.  For example, I used to LOVE Iowa City... I looked forward to getting to there.  Coral Ridge Mall was pretty cool.  Downtown Iowa City was totally awesome!  But, now that I go to school here, my opinion has changed.  I'm pretty indifferent about going here.  Coral Ridge Mall is okay.  Downtown Iowa City is neat, but it's nothing incredible.  Being here has lost its magic and made me appreciate Ottumwa even more.
Now, let me take the aforementioned quotes one-by-one.  "The drivers here are the worst drivers anywhere."  When I hear that statement, I can't help but think, "How do you know that?"  It's only natural that one would think the drivers in his/her community are the "worst" drivers because they're the only ones to which they're really exposed!  You likely drive in your home community nearly everyday, interacting with many of its bad drivers.  Thus, since most of your bad driving experiences occur at home, you're likely to formulate the above opinion.  However, I've got news for you:  there are bad drivers everywhere!  Try driving through any big city.  Iowa City has much worse drivers than Ottumwa (though a lot of it stems from the fact that there are MANY more drivers in Iowa City)... compared to Iowa City, Ottumwa was good drivers!  And that's saying something! 
"The people in this town are the dumbest people in the world."   Again, one is likely to form this opinion because he/she is exposed to the people of his/her community on a daily basis.  Since most of your interactions with people occur in your home community, it's only natural to think that the people there are stupid.  However... news flash!  There are stupid people EVERYWHERE!!!!  Now, you might think that going to a college community would surround you with intellectual, non-stupid people... but that is actually not at all true.  I've met some of the dumbest people I've ever met in Iowa City... I can't believe some of them made it into college in the first place!  I don't think I've ever been to a place without dumb people... they run rampant on this planet, and there's no escaping them.
"This town is the most boring town in the world."  Again, since one spends most of his/her time in the home community, this opinion is likely to be uttered.  Since most of your time is spent in the home community, most of the "bored" time is spent there, as well.  Trips out of town are usually infrequent and fun, making other towns seem more fun.  However, any community can have its boring times.  It's the people you're with that make a place fun.  Ottumwa by itself is not fun.  Iowa City by itself is not fun.  It's the people you're with that make a place fun.  So, if you want to think your home is boring, go ahead and think that... and it will be boring.  Or you can make it fun... it only takes a little creativity and some great friends.
Now, I've rambled on for quite a while!  In conclusion, I'd just like to say to take a little time to think about what you're saying before the next time you slam your community.  Think about the positives, and remember that it could ALWAYS be worse.  Someday when you move away, you just might regret what you said many years ago.